The group

For more than 11 years, Next-U has opened campuses in Bordeaux, Paris, Lyon and Lille. Building on the success of the ESCEN and thanks to the quality of placement of alumni in the company after their studies, the Group obtained the authorization to issue a State diploma. This excellence in teaching has allowed them to be eligible for registration programs with France Skills (formerly RNCP), governed by the ministry of labour.

The group Next-U is a product of the creation 11 years ago of the ESCEN (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce and Digital Economy). This school was the first brick of what is today the group Next-U.

At this time, the vocation of the ESCEN was to propose on the labour market and education, innovative research, which allowed mixing of the traditional studies of trade by inserting in its curriculum, a technology proven to be, particularly on the digital.

The aim was also to solve the recruitment problems that had at that time, the companies, in the field of digital skills that are emerging, especially in web marketing.

On the basis of historical success of the ESCEN, the group asks the question of opening of new programs. 
The group Next-U, launches ATLAS INSTITUTE
The first purpose of the market analysis has focused on the tourism market.

Market with a strong evolution on two important axes :

- the e-tourism
- and sustainable tourism.

The conclusion was the following, existing courses were very focused on the tourism sector in the traditional sense of the term, travel agency, tour operator.

For all that, there was no training program which allowed them to acquire skills on the e-tourism specifically, but also on the new standards in connection with sustainable development.
The creation of MAGNUM INSTITUTE
In another sector of activity, close to the geographical history of the ESCEN, Bordeaux, the evolution of the market for wines and spirits has caused the same issues.

It turns out that in this very traditional also, the employees were often from wine industry-wine or specialized in the trading of wines and spirits. So far, these people had little expertise in the field of online distribution, social networks, etc...

On the basis of this statement the school Magnum Institute is created on the baseline, wine and spirits business school”, which pre-empts especially about the business in the field of wines and spirits.

This subject is addressed in a traditional way with the principle of the business, but also and especially in connection with the implementation of online sales both from a regulatory point of view, technological, and sales through marketing. Real innovation on the market, Magnum surfs a wave that had not been explored so far.
The development of computer skills with WEBTECH
In the desire to have a range of complementary products, the group Next-U wanted to complete the historical program of the ESCEN in web-marketing activities with a school named Webtech Institute, which is a school of computer science pure.

This school's shape-the use of codes and technologies associated with the web. It complements the ecosystem of the ESCEN, these skills are additional.

Some students of the ESCEN can discover appétences in this area and switch their program and vice versa.
A short program and a generalist output tray, BACHELOR INSTITUTE
The statement was simple, a lot of students at the output of the tray had a hard time choosing between studies short or long. More difficult still, to choose the sector of activity in which they wanted to evolve.

In the Face of the 4 schools of the group in cursus long, on specific areas, the group Next-U launches the program the Bachelor institute. It is a program in 3 years, during the first 2 years all matters related to the sector and to skills tertiary are discussed. The fields of communication, marketing, trade are studied to form a solid base of knowledge of general practitioners is essential.

It is third year, students choose a specialization related to the sector of economic activity in which they are interested.

This allows students to be able to be eligible for a diploma bac +3, at the end of the 3 years of study, the choice to start a job search, or to continue their studies towards a master cycle.

Committees of development

The operational expertise of the professionals of the digital is a fundamental element of the training. Since its inception, the group NEXT-U is based each year on this expertise to ensure the most adequate to its students, the professionals of tomorrow.

Whether in Paris, Bordeaux or Lyon, a development committee meets two times a year to exchange views on the developments in the field.

The members of the development committee are to advise teaching staff on the evolution of their areas of expertise, allowing for a constant updating of the courses and different teaching programs.

 Composed of business leaders and executives, committees of development have and for purpose of making recommendations to move the programs to the rhythm of the evolution of the market.


The development committee has the objective to discuss the guidelines of the training for both the academic point of view and in terms of business applications, and has a range international

It belongs to him to inform the head of the degree on the professional changes and developments in order to integrate these mutations in the teachings and to facilitate the insertion or the professional development of students, and to ensure the relevance of the skills to be developed.

The campus

The Campus of the group Next-U are all located in cities of the province including the demographics and the economic dynamism and promote the professional integration. Each campus hosts one or more signs, and contributes to, and has created a community of learning, multicultural.

The campus, if they are to be places of learning, offer inspiring environments where students like to exchange before and after the course. Spaces co-working come and complete the classroom in order to propose other activities complementary to those of the educational programs.


Brands :


Brands :


Brands :


Brands :

The network Next-U

For over 10 years, the group, through its stores and the various settlements, to develop a business network that directly serves the interests of the students.

Teachers are mainly based on the local ecosystems. They may thus be both a technical contribution in the subjects taught as well as allow students to discover and understand the ecosystem in which they will have to insert in alternation or as graduates.

In addition the professional insertion conducted over many years has allowed brands to develop an awareness of it professionals from every sector to provide the community of learners is a directory of professional result.

Finally, the former of the different schools to participate in this network. They operate as a business expert and meet regularly to contracts of alternating annual.

Club Med



The City of Wine

Certifications and affiliations

Academic excellence, in which the group recorded its development has been working with standards of high levels thus ensuring the quality of the teaching provided.

This certification proposed by the ministry of higher education to all institution wishing to adopt an approach of excellence requires to get audited every 18 months to maintain standards of operation strict in terms of transparency, communication, quality of the methods and the quality control of the lessons.
All our Campuses are certified Qualiopi since 2020.

Quality certification has been issued in respect of the following classes of shares :

All the programs offered within the brands of the group Next-U must be recorded programmes from France Skills. Independently or in partnership, these government Securities are checked every 3 or 5 years to ensure that they are aligned with the skill needs of the labour market. They allow to maximize the rate of employability.

Since its inception, the group has adhered to the FNEP. This professional federation represents the interests of the actors of the private higher education and their students.
The FNEP, including helping to maintain equality minimum between the regulations applicable to public education and those in the private sector.

The FNEP is the only employers ' organisation recognised of the whole educational independent private.
This sector includes 2500 schools, employs 50,000 employees and welcomes 1 million students, or students from kindergarten to the schools of engineering through distance education or the school support.

AFNOR Certification (NEXT-U)
N° of declaration activity : 72330872533