Cookie policy


La présente Politique relative aux cookies décrit les différents types de cookies susceptibles d’être utilisés en lien avec le présent Site ainsi que les moyens disponibles pour gérer ces cookies. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier la Politique relative aux cookies à tout moment. Toute modification de la présente Politique relative aux cookies entrera en vigueur dès la mise à disposition de la version mise à jour sur ou via le Site.

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or mobile device. They are widely used in order to ensure or improve the functioning of websites. The websites can read and write these files, enabling them to recognise you and remember important information to facilitate your use of the site (for example, remembering your preferences).

Below you will find the list of the different types of cookies that may be used on the Site. Please note that, to the extent that the information collected by these cookies include personal information, the provisions of the privacy Policy apply in addition to the cookie Policy.

Cookies essential.
Essential cookies are technical cookies necessary for the functioning of the Website and allow you to navigate through it and to use its services and features. Without these strictly necessary cookies, browsing the Site would be less fluid than anticipated and you might not be able to access the Site or certain services or features requested.

Cookies preferences.
Cookie preferences, collect information about your choices and preferences, allowing the memorization of the language and other regional settings, and customizing the Site based.

Tracking Cookies of social networks.
These cookies are used to track members (and visitors) of social networks for market research and product development.

Analytical Cookies.
The analytical cookies collect information about your use of the Website and allow us to improve its functioning. For example, analytics cookies show us which pages are most frequently visited, record any difficulties encountered on the Site, and help us evaluate the effectiveness of our advertisements. Thus, we can determine the global patterns of use of the Site and not the usage patterns of each individual.

Advertising Cookies.

Advertising cookies are used for marketing purposes.

How a third party may use cookies on our website ?
– Via advertising

– By referring to the identity of the user

Outre les moyens indiqués ci-dessus, vous pouvez activer, désactiver ou supprimer les cookies du Site à tout moment en accédant aux paramètres de votre navigateur et en les configurant. Pour connaître la procédure à suivre afin d’activer, de désactiver ou de supprimer les cookies, consultez le site Internet du fournisseur de votre navigateur via la fenêtre d’aide. Consultez la page pour en savoir plus sur la gestion des cookies sur les navigateurs les plus couramment utilisés. Veuillez noter que la désactivation ou la suppression des cookies peut entraver le bon fonctionnement de certaines fonctionnalités du Site.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.